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Thursday, February 28, 20086:04 PM
Backstreet Boys was awesome. I'm in love with Brian. He's got such a SWEET, CUTE smile. And he looks so adorably romantic. haha. :p
Nadia and I reached Pyramid at around 6+. It was raining ..and we were thinking "oh crap, the concert's open air. What if it rains??" Thank God though. The rain stopped at 7.30pm. =) We were squeezing at the entrance because the bloody idiots didn't allow people to get in 'till it was 8pm. The concert tic states that it'll start at 8pm. NOT "opening the gate at 8pm". wth? I should say it's normal-lah. Malaysian timing. We squeezed for about 15 minutes. By 7.45pm, they opened another gate and we practically rushed there. haha. Those who were waiting since 4pm couldn't do anything but stare. Aw, poor things. :p When we reached the concert area (surf beach), we tried looking for a strategic spot to stand. We tried standing on flat ground, on a small hill and even attempted to stand where there was a pool of water. We were desperate to get on HIGH grounds. Cuz you see, we aren't exactly 6 feet tall. Therefore, we NEED high places. haha. Then, I stared at a pile of rocks, which was pretty high and pretty near the stage. 3 guys were sitting on it like lords(one of the guy looks 90% like warwick 3 years ago! Kinda shocked me. I didn't know that anyone could look so identical). Nad said "I'll stand here to save a spot, you go and ask them and see if we could get up there". Me : " why me?!". And Nadia gave the smile. So fine, I went. But I was kinda chickened out when I reached the rock. I just stood there, looking at it. Thinking if I should ask them when finally one of the guys said "you wanna come up?". Obviously I said "yes please" and got up there with their help. haha. After that, I called Nad to come join me. And that's how we got one of the best view of BSB. And Annie said : You all SURE gonna squeeze. Sigh, sorry, but you're proven WRONG. hahaha. =p ------------------------------ Today, we almost got caught red handed in LAW class. Yen had this video in her phone which shows a rape scene in a Disco in Johor. Me and Nad were watching it and Annie was busy scrolling some other porno stuff when the lecturer came right in front of us! The phone was on the table. It's a good thing my reflexes are fast. I grabbed the phone and immediately hid it under the table. lol! Btw, I hate it when lame people crack lame jokes. Don't they know that it's un-funny? NO ONE laughs! |
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Wednesday, February 27, 20083:16 PM
Backstreet Boys concert tonight.
Will update about it soon! =) |
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Tuesday, February 26, 20088:19 PM
![]() I watched Jumper with Nadia yesterday and .....I just realised that GUY.. Hayden Christensen is superbly handsome. This picture is probably him a few years ago. He looks even more yummier now. ;p I have this thing for guys who are manly and romantic at the same time. Hate gay-ish people. haha. ------------------------------------------- Anyway, today I was talking to him on the subject of Marriage. And you know since he's so good at counting just because he is a qs student, he was calculating the COST of marriage ending up with the ideal age of marriage at 27 or 28. wth. As long as it's not after 30 I guess it's okay. hahahaha. As for me, if I wanna get married, I'm not so free to count the money I'll have to spend. It's the guy's job. I'll just sit next to my husband-to-be and cheer him on. haha =p By the way, I'm planning to go to UK for work after gaining some experiences in Malaysia and earn my money in POUNDS. muahahaha. Good plan yeah? I've already discussed it with my parents and well, so far, they're ok with it. hehe =D *** short update While waiting for W to fetch me from college today, I was sitting at the concourse talking to Annie Siew Boon Yee. She told me : I feel like vomiting I said : *gasp* you're pregnant! She : yah! It's YOURS! I : ....... She : Be responsible!!! *Annie is a certified crazy nut. =/ |
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Yen's party and etc
Sunday, February 24, 20085:03 PM
ops, haven't got the time to blog the last few days. hehe.
Anyway..here are some short updates: On 22nd, Me, Nad and Annie attended Yen's birthday at friendster cafe. She had the cutest cupcakes ever! It was called couple cupcakes I think. Had a few heart shape designs and some others with words. :p Intended to go for clubbing at Bar Celona after that but I decided to meet up with someone since I kind of missed him. haha. :p If i went clubbing, Zy's bf would've had to send me back. =/ Although I missed the chance this time, it's OKAY. Because I heard that Nadia Dilani plans to celebrate her 21st Birthday there. hehe =) Oh! I almost forgot! I finally got my extra piercing on that day too. Been talking about it for sometime because I was bored with just 1 pair of piercing on my ears. Thank God it wasn't painful. =p On 23rd, Nicholas Wang picked me up from my house after fetching Esther from Klang. We went to this really big bungalow for a photoshoot. I must say, Esther is one of the nicest, most friendliest girl I've ever met! It's quite rare for me to meet these kinda girl. Glad I got to know her. =) Nicholas is a really funny and chatty guy too. At least there wasn't any awkward silences. haha. The shoot went on well.. It was a good experience. =) Now, we'll just have to wait 'till the pics are out on the magazines before we can get the pictures back. =/ |
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Friday, February 22, 200811:00 AM
I remembered there was this movie I saw..they said that fireflies would search for their partner no matter how long it takes..never settling for just any firefly, but for the ONE. And if the firefly couldn't find it's partner in time, it's light would slowly fade away and it will just die alone.. Sounds sad and dramatic isn't it? Somehow, I find it quite applicable to humans as well. Everyone of us, searches for that one person who would complete us. That one person who would love us truly 'till the day we die. That one person who would make the world seem right when you're going through a storm. That one person who is willing to be with you through thick or thin.. It's funny how it works. There are billions of people in this world but all you need is just ONE. So how do you know if he or she is the one for you? Is it when you think about him/her all the time? Is it when you meet him/her, they'd give you butterflies in your stomach? Is it when you talk to him/her, they seem so understanding and nice? Is it when you're with him/her, you'd feel so happy all the time? I learnt that those are just the feelings of infatuation, like, adoration, lust,puppy love,etc..but it's definitely not true love. When you truly love someone, you would see beyond the flaws. You would forgive them even though they're being unreasonable. You would be willing to sacrifice for that person. You would be there beside him/her through it all. You would argue over certain things, but it would all work out somehow. Basically, the best explanation is found in the Bible itself. Love is patient, Love is kind, It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is no self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. 1 Corinthians 13 : 4-7 No matter what.. I will always believe in true love. :) ![]() |
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Thursday, February 21, 200810:47 PM
While I was looking through blogs, all of a sudden I remembered Annie mentioning 'bout Nuffnag. Some ads thingie. Decided to try it out for fun. haha. :p
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I remember
Wednesday, February 20, 20083:29 PM
To those of you who tried to understand me but failed miserably a few weeks ago, here's something which would describe what I felt. I think I posted this before but, hm, I guess no one really got the the meaning of it. You see, when I post the lyrics to a song, it actually describes my feelings at the moment. I have this thing with songs and meaningful lyrics. So there, read this properly and understand it. Don't come and lecture me and give me useless advices if you're too stupid to get what I was going through okay? It would just make me angry. =)
Ohhh.... Remember... Oh, I remember... I wanna know... [Verse 1:] Where were you when I said I loved you? And where were you when I cried at night? Waiting up, couldn't sleep without you. Thinking of all the times we shared. [Chorus:] I remember when my heart broke. I remember when I gave up loving you. My heart couldn't take no more of you. I was sad and lonely. I remember when I walked out. I remember when I screamed I hated you. But somehow deep inside still loving you. I'm sad and lonely. [Verse 2:] No one knew all the pain I went through. All the love I saved deep in my heart for you. Didn't know where I would go, where I would be. But you made me leave. And plus my heart it just,it just kept telling me so. [Chorus:] I remember when my heart broke. I remember when I gave up loving you. My heart couldn't take no more of you. I was sad and lonely. I remember when I walked out. I remember when I said I hated you. But somehow deep inside still loving you. So sad and lonely. [Bridge:] There was nowhere else to go, oh. Nobody else to turn to, no. For the rest of my life, I promised myself I will love me first genuinely. [Chorus:] I remember when my heart broke. I remember when I gave up loving you. My heart couldn't take no more of you. I was sad and lonely. I remember when I walked out. I remember when I said I hated you. But somehow deep inside still loving you. Sad and lonely. I remember when I walked out. I remember when I gave up loving you. My heart couldn't take no more of you. So sad and lonely, hey. I remember when I stormed out. I remember when I gave up loving you. I was sad and lonely. |
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Fergie- Won't let you fall
Tuesday, February 19, 200811:09 PM
Fergie : Won't Let You Fall
[Verse:]Such a meaningful song. =) |
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10:24 PM
You know what, the bombing issue is like..really funny. Seriously.
I can't believe I even got "cited" by someone : Link of person citing mua hahahahahahahaha. Can't stop laughing. Can't the dude get a practical joke? I said THAT to Annie and Nad yesterday, but of course I was JOKING. Like duh, anyone with a right mind would know that I am. rofl. And by the way, I am blaming Annie for this because I so did NOT say that on my blog. And she's the one who cited me and made the dude cite me as well. Okay, go ahead everyone, start citing what Regina says. Regina says : eat shit and die. Go ahead, you have my permission. ;) I feel cool. HAHAHA. (For your info, this is just another joke. Gosh. I don't have all day to keep saying ridiculous "I am joking" to every "humourous" things I'm trying to say. It's killing the fun. People, just know this : I'm full of sarcasm and can be totally mean, AT TIMES. But at other times, I'm an angel. *winks*) |
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Monday, February 18, 200810:17 PM
(stole some pictures from some random blog link given by Nadia.) The blog with original photos
Link There was a bomb threat in Inti College Subang Jaya today. The bomb was supposedly in the new building and the police was there evacuating everyone. I wonder who's so lifeless?? Tomorrow, we're all supposed to wear sport shoes...just in case we have to run for our lives. Terrorist, please don't bomb Inti while I'm inside the college. I don't wanna die so young. If you really wanna bomb, bomb it after 6pm. Approximately 7pm after I LEAVE ss15 completely would be okay. Thanks. **Updates Me, Annie and Nad were having some "discussion" about this issue on msn in a chat room and there's this particular part of the conversation where we asked each other if we told our parents about it and how did our parents react? Mine reacted pretty normally, as though they doubted it would happen but they did ask me to take precaution as well. Annie however.....well, here's the chat: annie™ says: i told my mum annie™ says: my mum said u think here overseas meh annie™ says: here dun hav such thing de annie™ says: dis is nt the trend for m'sia annie™ says: dont worry annie™ says: i said tomolo ur daughter's life is in danger, tahu tak annie™ says: tonite might be the last nite annie™ says: *touch wood* annie™ says: then she said annie™ says: yakah?! than what should i do leh? i tell her giv me more money to spend for the one whole night annie™ says: then she ignore me and enter her room *salute* You can always count on Annie to come up with humour even while you're halfway dying I think. rofl. |
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10:00 PM
Instructions : What u do is find out wat each letter of your name means.
Then connect all the meanings and it describes U.Have a try!!!!!!! If you have double or triple letters, just count the meaning once. A = You have trouble trusting people B = You are always cautions when it comes to meeting new people. C = You definitely have a partier side in you, don't be shy to show it. D = You have trouble trusting people. E = You are a very exciting person. F = Everyone loves you. G = You have excellent ways of viewing people H = You are not judgmental I = You are always smiling and making other smile. J = Jealously. K = You like to try new things L = Love is something you deeply believe in. M = Success comes easily to you. N = You like to work, but you always want a break. O = You are very open-minded. P = You are very friendly and understanding. Q = You are hypocrite. R = You are a social butterfly. S = You are very broad-minded. T = You have an attitude, a big one. U = You feel like you have to equal up to people's standards. V = You have a very good physique and looks. W - You like your privacy X = You never let people tell you what to do. Y = You cause a lot of trouble. Z = You're always fighting with someone. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- R = You are a social butterfly. E = You are a very exciting person. G = You have excellent ways of viewing people I = You are always smiling and making other smile. N = You like to work, but you always want a break. A = You have trouble trusting people O = You are very open-minded. N = You like to work, but you always want a break. G = You have excellent ways of viewing people S = You are very broad-minded. E = You are a very exciting person. E = You are a very exciting person. M = Success comes easily to you. U = You feel like you have to equal up to people's standards. N = You like to work, but you always want a break. |
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Bomb Scare
7:00 PM
I can officially tell everyone I am NO LONGER A P DRIVER. muahahaha. ;)
Went to the JPJ office today to change my license and thank goodness they were quick enough. I only had to wait for about 15 minutes before it was my turn. It seemed so fast. The first time I got my P license I was looking at it's date where I could change it to a non-P license. 13/02/2006-12/02/2008 seemed like a really long time then. I remembered complaining to him that "aahhh, I'll NEVER be able to take off the stupid P thing!" and he said "very fast wan lah". Indeed, it was very fast. 2 years passed like a breeze. I hardly felt it at all. Seems surreal that 2 years have passed just like that. Sigh. Sometimes I really wish I could turn back time..back to those days where I was problem free. Such an impossible wish. haha.=p But then again, I guess problems in life are meant to make you tougher isn't it? One day, not far in the future, I'd click back to this month and laugh at it like I did about my posts years before. I just know it. haha. I was reading my old blog..some of the posts since form 3 or so up till now. I did complain about a few aspects of my life and I realised that while I was blogging, in THAT point in time, I felt like those problems were the biggest I've ever faced. Right now however, it seems like nothing. Okay, right now, I'm going to do something REALLY stupid. And no, I'm not mad. I'm just being nice to myself in the future. haha. ;) Regina of the future, when you click back to this month, and remember everything that you have gone through, you have to realise that BIGGER obstacles will always come in life, and it's up to you to have the courage to get through it. No obstacles can ever be bigger than life and do not ever think of dying as a solution. Ever. Always pray, and ask God to help guide you through it and always remember that you have must never, ever give up! =) Woooh. Self motivation is a good thing. Take care all. Love ya! *hugs*! |
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Sunday, February 17, 20089:22 PM
Hm, got these a few days ago but was too lazy to take a pic of me with it. Finally took it yesterday..and well, I wanna blog it so that I can look back and remember it someday. Ah, the dramas I had this year. haha. =) Anyway, there's something I realised. You can cock to the world that you hate the person when you argue but in the end, only your heart knows the truth, and it is pretty difficult to hide that from people. Hopefully the dramas have subsided. Can't take it no more. =/ |
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Guys point of view
10:14 AM
Guy's point of view
This is very cute! And even written by a guy! You might agree with it, but when it actually happens 99% of girls don't realize it 'til it is too late and that guy who did it is so frustrated that he has moved on to someone who will take notice. From a guys point of view: We don't care if you talk to other guys. We don't care if you're friends with other guys. But when you're sitting next to us, and some random guy walks into the room and you jump up and tackle him without even introducing us, yeah, it pisses us off. It doesn't help if you sit there and talk to him for ten minutes without even acknowledging the fact that we're still there. We don't care if a guy calls you, but at 2 in the morning we do get a little concerned. Nothing is that important at 2 a.m. that it can't wait till he morning. Also, when we tell you you're pretty/beautiful/gorgeous/cute/ stunning, we freaking mean it. Don't tell us we're wrong.We'll stop trying to convince you. The sexiest thing about a girl is confidence. Yeah, you can quote me. Don't be mad when we hold the door open. Take Advantage of the mood im in. LET US PAY FOR YOU! DON'T 'FEEL BAD' We enjoy doing it. It's expected. Smile and say 'thank you.' Kiss us when no one's watching. If you kiss us when you know somebody's looking, we'll be more impressed. You don't have to get dressed up for us. If we're going out with you in the first place, you don't have to feel the need to wear the shortest skirt you have or put on every kind of makeup you own. We like you for WHO you are and not WHAT you are. Honestly, i think a girl looks more beautiful when she's just in her pj's. Or my t-shirt and boxers, not all dolled up. Don't take everything we say seriously. Sarcasm is a beautiful thing. See the beauty in it. Don't get angry easily. Stop using magazines/media as your bible. Don't talk about how hott Morris Chesnutt, Brad Pitt, or Jesse McCartney is in front of us. It's boring, and we don't care. You have girlfriends for that. Whatever happened to the word 'handsome'/'beautiful'. I'd be utterly stunned by a girl who greeted me with 'Hey handsome!' instead of 'Hey baby/ stud/ cutie/ sexy' or whatever else you can think of. On the other hand im not sayin i wouldn't like it either. Girls: I cannot stress this enough: IF YOU AREN'T BEING TREATED RIGHT BY A GUY, DON'T WAIT FOR HIM TO CHANGE. DITCH HIS SORRY DISGRACE-TO-THE-MALE-POPULATION ASS, AND FIND SOMEONE WHO WILL TREAT YOU WITH UTTER RESPECT Someone who will honor your morals. Someone who will make you smile when you're at your lowest. Someone who will care for you even when you make mistakes. Someone who will love you, no matter how bad you make them feel. Someone who will stop what theyre doing just to look you in the eyes....and say 'i love you' ..........AND ACTUALLY MEAN IT! *****Give the nice guys a chance***** Holdin Hands- Girls : If you want to hold his hand, gently bump into it a couple of times. Guys : Grab it if it happens more than once. Cuddling- Girls : When you want to cuddle with him, tell him you're cold. Guys : Automatically move closer to her. Movies- Girls : During a movie, if he puts his arm around you, tilt your head on his shoulder Guys : Lift her chin up and kiss her. Loving each other- Guys : When she tells you she loves you, look deep into her eyes, give her a peck on the lips, and tell her you love her too... And mean it. Laying below the stars- Girls : When you're both laying under the stars, put your head on his chest and close your eyes as you listen to his steady heart beat Guys : Whisper in her ear and link your hands with hers. Now make a wish about something you would like to happen Between you and your crush.... guys: no grabbing!!! |
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Saturday, February 16, 200810:11 PM
I hate people who are OVERLY childish and can't handle the prob themselves without involving elders. Oh, and COCK talkers too.
Had fun copying and pasting my messages on msn? =) |
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Friday, February 15, 20089:59 PM
Here's some SHORT updates. haha
I have a sudden fascination for baby snakes! Went to Stuart's house and WOW, his house is FULL of snakes, scorpions, spiders, Iguana and even some soft shell turtles. haha At first I was kinda scared..but after seeing that it didn't harm anyone, I decided to try it myself! I held the albino snake and also the Ball Snake. My Fav was the Ball Snake. It's so tame! (While we were going home, Joel told us that the snake actually bit Stuart a couple of times. %(^*. Thank God nothing happened to me. haha) ------------------------------------------ Btw, I have to say, going out with Nad and Annie is always so much fun! =) Although Annie admittedly had PMS, she was still as funny as ever while being sarcastic. rofl First, we went to Midvalley because Annie wanted to see her best friend before she flies off to Aus. So, she left me and Nad to eat on our own. =( After our LUNCH, Annie decided to check out "MyYoga" and hell, I blame her for making me sit there for about half an hour listening to the stupid talk. Thank God I'm smart enough to give my FAKE number. hahahaha. :p Then, we took the bus to Kl Sentral and headed to The Pavillion! I sooo wanted to see Juicy Couture. :p Too bad they didn't have the T-Mobile Sidekick 2. Sigh. Saddening. Alot of other side events happened during our outing..but I suddenly feel SO lazy to blog. I don't have the mood to blog long posts anymore. Realised that my posts are getting shorter and shorter. zz. |
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9:33 AM
I heard that someone has been nosing into my blog, forwarding whatever I say and it's pretty annoying.
Why can't THIRD PARTIES just go away? Is my life so interesting that they just have to come and disturb? hm? =) Why are people so desperate these days? tsk. =( is there any way I can block just 1 or 2 person from reading my blog without making it private? Let me know if it's possible kays! |
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Thursday, February 14, 20085:49 PM
Happy Valentines Day Everyone! *Hugs & Kisses* =)
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Edison Chen
Tuesday, February 12, 200811:42 PM
Recently there's an on-going craze of Edison Chen and his "pictures".
I might as well post about it as well. I'm such a kpc. =( haha. First of all, I used to think that Edison was really really cute..but, after this I have a feeling that he's really really stupid too. What a turn off. I despise majorly stupid people. The next time I see him on the big screen I'll only be able to imagine him and his bonking pictures with the female celebrities. Stupid pretty face boy. This is why handsome guys are just so NOT trustworthy. Haven't seen a guy who is handsome with a kind heart before. I think it's really rare. =/ Anyway, Edison made some public apology. For the first time I'm seeing him speak full eng and I must say, his english sounds pretty good. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TlfqVKprhrw&feature=related |
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Monday, February 11, 200811:27 PM
*breathes a sigh of relief*
Like FINALLY, my life is going right again. The past few weeks have been really sucky. Well, all I can say is, whatever is yours will always be yours. =) |
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12:49 AM
I think I'm addicted to Dragon-i's "Siu Long Pau".
Believe it or not, today was the FIRST time I tried it. =( Siu Long Pau is basically something like a dumpling/pau with soup in it! I mean I KNEW what it was, I just didn't know how it looked like. haha. Sucking the soup out of the thing was fun. :p |
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Wednesday, February 6, 20084:15 AM
Happy Chinese New Year everyone! =)
I'll be going off to Penang today till the 9th. Collect alot of ang pau's and belanja me yea? :p |
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Tuesday, February 5, 200812:34 PM
I'm sure many people would be thinking "Wth, Britney Spears song".
Well, I gotta say this. I used to love Britney Spears's songs. I loved every song in her album because I listened to the lyrics she sang. =) So yeah, although Britney's life is in deep shit now I won't go all the way as to critisize her and hate everything she did. Why can't people understand that life doesn't go smooth sailing all the way? So ridiculously stupid. |
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11:51 AM
I hope the ring you gave to her turns her finger green
I hope when you're in bed with her You think of me I would never wish bad things but I don't wish you well Could you tell By the flames that burned your words I never read your letter 'Cause I knew what you'd say Give me that Sunday school answer Try to make it all okay Does it hurt To know I'll never be there Bet it sucks To see my face everywhere It was you Who chose to end it like you did I was the last to know You knew Exactly what you would do And don't say You simply lost your way She may believe you But I never will Never again If she really knows the truth she deserves you A trophy wife oh, how cute Ignorance is bliss But when your day comes and he's through with you And he'll be through with you You'll die together but alone You wrote me in a letter You couldn't say it right to my face Give me that Sunday school answer Repent yourself away Does it hurt To know I'll never be there Bet it sucks To see my face everywhere It was you Who chose to end it like you did I was the last to know You knew Exactly what you would do And don't say You simply lost your way They may believe you But I never will Never again Never again will I hear you Never again will I miss you Never again will I fall to you Never... Never again will I kiss you Never again will I want to Never again will I love you Never! Does it hurt To know I'll never be there Bet it sucks To see my face everywhere It was you Who chose to end it like you did I was the last to know You knew Exactly what you would do And don't say You simply lost your way They may believe you But I never will I never will I never will Never again |
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Monday, February 4, 20086:17 PM
I have a new handsfree for my phone! hehe
Love it alot. I can now feel the bass at least. The old one was just too...bass-less. Thanks! =) |
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Sunday, February 3, 20087:59 PM
Suddenly I feel very happy. =)
Anyways, been slacking on the updates. hehe. The day before yesterday I followed Chai to his aunts house for the collection of his dog food. :p I must say, it was the BEST house I have ever seen! Balinese style. I WANT my future home to look like that. It would seem like honeymoon everyday. Such a romantic looking house. :) Btw, she has a deer. Where can I buy a deer? I want one too. haha =D |
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3:53 PM
Chris Brown-With You
I need you boo, I gotta see you boo And the hearts all over the world tonight, Said the hearts all over the world tonight I need you boo, (ooh) I gotta see you boo (hey) And the hearts all over the world tonight, Said the hearts all over the world tonight [ Verse 1 ] Hey! Little mama, Ooh, you a stunna Hot..lil figure, Yes, you a winner And I'm so glad to be yours, You're a class all your own And.. Ooh, little cutie When..you talk to me I swear..the whole world stops You're..my sweetheart And I'm so glad that you're mine You are one of a kind and.. [ Bridge ] You mean to me What I mean to you and.. Together baby, There is nothing we won't do Cuz if I gotchu, I don't need money, I don't need cars, Girl, you're my all. And.. [ Chorus ] Oh! I'm into you, And girl, No..one else would do, Cuz with every kiss and every hug, You make me fall in love, And now I..know I can't be the only one, I bet there's hearts all over the world tonight, With the love of their life who feel.. Wat I feel when I'm With you [ x5 ] Girl.. With you [ x5 ] [ Verse 2 ] Oh Girl! I don't want nobody else, Without you, there's no one left then, You're like Jordans on Saturday, I gotta have you and I cannot wait now, Hey! little shawty, Say..you care for me, [ Lyrics found at www.mp3lyrics.org/aB ] You know..I care for you, You know...that I'll be true, You know..that I won't lie, You know..that I would try, To be your everything..yeah.. [ Bridge ] Cuz if I got chu, I don't need money, I don't need cars, Girl, you're my all. And yeah.. [ Chorus ] Oh! I'm into you, And girl, No..one else would do, Cuz with every kiss and every hug, You make me fall in love, And now I..know I can't be the only one, I bet there's hearts all over the world tonight, With the love of their life who feel.. Wat I feel when I'm With you [ x5 ] Ohh.. With you [ x5 ] Yeah Heh.. [ Bridge 2 ] And I.. Will never try to deny, That you were my whole life, Cuz if you ever let me go, I would die.. So I won't front, I don't need another woman, I just need your all and nothing, Cos' if I got that, Then I'll be straight Baby, you're the best part of my day... I need you boo, I gotta see you boo And the hearts all over the world tonight, Said the hearts all over the world tonight Woo Ooohh.. Yeah~ They need it boo, They gotta see their boo, Said the hearts all over the world tonight, Hearts all over the world tonight [ Chorus ] Oh! I'm into you, And girl, No..one else would do, Cuz with every kiss and every hug, You make me fall in love, And now I..know I can't be the only one, I bet there's hearts all over the world tonight, With the love of their life who feel.. Wat I feel when I'm With you [ x5 ] Girl.. With you [ x5 ] Ohh.. With you [ x5 ] With you..only with you With you [ x5 ] hey yeah -------------- This song was intro-ed by a friend. Was asking "what song should I download?" :p After listening to this song, I've decided it's my fav song at the moment! :) |
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Saturday, February 2, 20084:28 AM
It's funny..this love thing...
I used to love the feeling of being in love..I guess I was the kind who was in love with love.. I always thought that love would only bring happiness..I didn't know that it would hurt so much. I've been crying so much..and for the first time...I saw blood in my tears. |
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