:: Supposed to blog about this some time ago:: =)

Met up with Nadia and Annie for some lepak-ing session. I met them during their lunch time from 12-2pm...went to Tomoe (opposite SJMC) for lunch because Nadia said she wanted Unagi.

In the picture above, the conversation between her and the waitress was:
Nadia : I'll take the Unagi set..
Waitress : *writes down the order*
Nadia : Umm....I think I wanna change to Chicken Katsu Curry
Waitress : *corrects the order*
Nadia : On second thought, I think I'll just take the Unagi..hehe...
Waitress : *corrects the order again* (I think she was frustrated by then. hahaha)
Nadia is so fickle minded. tsk. tsk. =/

Nad was sitting on the opposite side. It was so troublesome for me to get off my seat to take a picture with her, which is why most of the pictures are pictures of me and Annie. hahaha. Yes, I'm a very lazy bumm. Can't deny that. =/

Picture of Annie "ghost-ing". haha X)

Around 4pm after their class, I picked them up from college again to head off for The curve. Wanted to check out some bikini's there. hehe.
Drove into the Cineplex and realised that it was pretty full. Annie pointed to a pink parking lot with the sign "Single Female Drivers Only". But you know what, us being the "true" Malaysian, decided to cheat. Anyway..we're all girls, it's dangerous for us to park too far away. teehee. Me and Annie was like "Nadia please move the sign". hahaha. :)
walked around for a bit and decided to try Bubba Gump just 'cause it looks cool. Yes, we judge a restaraunt based on its appearance on the outside. :p

Nadia ordered some ice-cream on a really large hard cookie(cookie seriously damn hard, but Nadia managed to dig it out and it tasted really good with the ice-cream!) while Me and Annie ordered some shrimp something something and french fries. X)

The food was great! Would like to try the rest some other day.

Ohh..I must tell you people this..

See both the signs? One blue and one red? Before ordering, there's this guy who came and explain to us the usage of the signs. SOMEHOW, it registered in my brains as "Blue :waiter please come and Red : waiter don't come".
After finishing our food, my hands got itchy and I moved it from the blue sign to the red sign. All of a sudden this waiter pops out of no where and said "hi, can I help you??"
I said : er..no?..........
Then I realised that...........the red sign is supposed to be for the waiter to stop and serve you. Gosh. It was so embarassing. I didn't know! (actually, it's 'cause I didn't pay attention, so kids, do listen to people when they're explaining something and don't act smart like me ya?)

After the whole food eating, picture taking session at Bubba Gump, it was time to go home!
Cam-whored in the car.

Was supposed to make some funny faces but I ended up looking slightly retarded. Bah, whatever. =(

And this is supposed to be our "lanci" face. XD
Btw, Annie was telling me and Nadia "wanna go try and wax the public hair?"
Me and Nadia : ha? what? PUBLIC hair??Got such thing meh?
*after a few sec*
Me : .....pubic hair is it. HAHAHAHAHA
I love my bestest gfs!
Yesterday, was a "family outing" day for me.
Went to The Pavillion in the evening and we tried the Michaelangelo's.
The food was superb and the cutlery was worth admiring. hahaha. =p

While waiting for the food..I noticed this particular picture (ignore my sister's head). Asked my mom "Is that a guy or a girl?"
Mom told me it's a guy.
I replied "Where's the dick?"
Mom " oh yaaa..how come don't have one?! They took away his man-hood!"
Sister : can still see abit abit ma..didn't photoshop properly. hahahah
I tell you, Malaysia is a destroyer of all nude art. =/
After dinner, we walked around again..and..I saw..rings!
I love rings! (because my dad influenced me. He's got all types of rings and all types of stones on the rings as well. I think he could start a ring shop)
I kept picking and picking and picking. Sister was getting soo annoyed but when I choose my ring I have to REALLY choose okay. It's like a matter of life and death.
I wanted a shiny one. The kinda ring that would flicker and shine from my hand. I already have the plain shiny rock on a ring so I had to get something unusual but shiny at the same time. hehe.

Finally I chose this. It was a new arrival and it has a lifetime guarantee! (Annie I know what you are thinking. My "Golla" right. hahaha) I swear the ring looks more shinier in real life than it does in pictures. =D
Come to think of it, my dad influcned me on rings and watches while my mom influenced me on shoes, bags and clothes! So, I guess the shopping behaviour isn't entirely my fault??? I'm just following the example. hehehehe. ;p
HOWEVER, I must clarify this. I may love to shop, but I only shop under the circumstances of having the money to shop. If my family happens to be tight in the finance area, I'm still alright with it. Although I may be abit heartbroken when I'm not able to buy something I like, I wouldn't die without shopping. I do have other free fun stuff to do...Like, for the first time ever.. I followed bb to catch some real live earth worms as a fishing bait! =) So there, I pretty much consider myself quite a well balanced person. *laughs*
Hmm..this is quite a long post.
That's all for today.. Have a great week ahead everyone! =)