Day 3 (20 August 2008) :: Patong Beach -> Go Kart -> Elephant Ride -> Simon Cabaret -> Patong-Patong Beach-
My mom paid 1000 baht to hire this van for half a day so we could go around Phuket on our own. Dad invited another family which consists of a single mom, her sister and the single mom's 2 daughters because they came from the same plane and took the same van as us on the way to the hotel. Mom became friends with the aunty. They were really nice..and the daughters were so quiet and well-behaved! Unlike the 3 of us, loud, noisy, constantly making lame jokes and laughing among ourself...what a vast difference. I have a feeling that I have the noisiest family ever. We make so much noise wherever we go. Noise pollution. =/

Okayy..I should continue with the Phuket experience.
Our first stop was Patong beach.
But this time I didn't wear my bikini because we were only there for about 20 minutes. No swimming. There were too many "other" places to go to and other stuff to do.

I've seen alot of those beach posters posing like this. So I tried to do that as well.

I feel like a postcard.
Okayy..honestly I wasn't really posing with the hand on the hat on purpose. It's because...
if I don't do that, a gust of strong wind could easily blow my hat away!
Couldn't risk it. haha.

I've this feeling that Phuket's beaches really "feel" like beaches. Unlike our local....PD. =.=
Don't get what I mean?
Let me describe it for you.
In Phuket...
There's a dog running around with a bone in it's mouth while the kids are chasing after it, playing and laughing.
Some kids are making sand castles, while some were in a float with their parents standing by while they waddle around in the sea. There are couples walking by the beach, groups of youth who are just hanging out. Certain adults sun tanning while reading a book.
Other than that, there are beach chairs lined up with loads of stalls offering the service of a speedboat, motorboat, bananaboat, whatever boat you fancy to any of the other islands or just plain rounding around the area. I don't even have to talk about the cleanliness, you can see it in the picture.
Oh yea...
Coconut....there were alot of coconut stalls.......
In PD/Morib..
Rubbish, dirty water, sand flies.
I think Redang/some parts of Langkawi should be quite okay, shall go there one day to check it out and compare.
The scene from Phuket what I usually see in the movies, and going there was like watching it live.
I've experience a REAL beach experience! Yay me!
Very jakun I know!
What to do. Born in Malaysia what.

They even have all these pretty dolphin statues for decorative purposes.
I think I was not supposed to sit on it, but since nobody stopped me, I did it.
Thank God the dolphin didn't break into half. haha.

There is a reason to this picture! I didn't take it on purpose.
I was snapping the sceneries around the area when they started talking and asking me to snap a picture of them.
They posed.
What can I I snapped. hahahaha.
They were really friendly though. Or I should probably conclude that everyone in Phuket is friendly because almost everyone we passed, they would ask "where are you from?" (the no.1 favourite question) , the second sentence is "hello! I love youu" some of them even spoke to me a Japanese. wth. ROFL.
Anyway, after walking by the beach, there were sand all over my feet. I was looking for a place to wash my feet so I asked my dad.
Dad asked the guy in white.
The guy in white said : oh, for you got water. Only piao liang got water. No piao liang no water.
I laughed at his straightforwardness.
Then he proceeded to pour out the water from a tong and poured the water on my feet. I just thanked him and dashed off to the van. I still don't know how to handle such awkward situations.
-Go Kart-The second stop was the Go Kart. My youngest sister have been bugging my parents to go for go kart since the first day we arrived in Phuket on the way to our hotel. She saw the Go Kart tracks and got obssessed.
I don't know what's the fun on riding a go kart. I've tried it once and I think it's enough. You're just going round in circles in a flat tiny motor which is not even a car.

My sisters found it SO enjoyable though. I didn't go for the go-kart. Just sat by the side and watched in the shade. It was such a hot day and they were crazy enough to go Go-Karting.
-Elephant Ride-The elephant ride was just a 5 minutes walk from the Go-Kart but we couldn't walk because it was too darn hot. I'm serious, you could die from hotness on that day.
Plus, I didn't want to risk being a shade darker.
The van fetched us instead. :)

This is me, pretending to ponder into the woods. I think I can daydream pretty well. They should have a profession for daydreamers. I could be a pro. hehehe ;)

This is the beginning of the elephant ride trail. The whole elephant ride took up to 45 minutes!
It was the longest elephant ride I've ever been on and the most enjoyable as well.

The person who was guiding the elephant actually came down to take pictures for us! He took about 15 pictures of us with the elephant in various angles but I'm only posting a few.

It was supposed to be a 30 minute ride but I think he took us to the longer trail. We had to go up a hill! was quite scary but exciting at the same time. hehe

This is the high pondok we had to climb before we sat on the elephant. It's like a tree house. =D
After the elephant ride we went rounding in the van..looking at the various sceneries, drank some coconut and went back to the hotel to rest for awhile.
Then..we proceeded to..
-Simon Cabaret-
We were anticipating for this show for a long long time. I wanted to see how the ah kua's look like because it is said that most of them are sooo beautiful, better than real girls!
As far as I remember, the last time I saw an Ah Kua show, it was in Bangkok and it was scary cuz they looked like men in girls outfit with make up. That was when I was about 7 years old I think. Maybe it was the wrong Ah Kua show to watch. Was there with my family and mom's colleagues. It was supposed to be a company outing. The Ah Kua actually rubbed her ass on one of the colleague's (man) face. hahahahaha. I'd remember that for life.
So anyway, after the first bad experience I was hoping that the Simon Cabaret would be nothing like that.

And...Thank goodness it wasn't anything like the past Ah Kua show at all!
Everything in Simon Cabaret was so spectacular. The costumes, the dance, the music.
They had DreamGirls, Chinese, Tina Turner, Korean dance, Chinese Dance, Flower Dance, Brazilian Dance, etc etc.
You won't believe your eyes.
Some of them are sooo beautiful even I couldn't take my eyes off them.

Look at her! Could you believe she WAS a man??
After the show we were allowed to take pictures with them but I was in the toilet, lining up forever. When I finally came out, they were already preparing to leave.
Damn sad, I wanted to take a picture with the ah kua's. Regrettt. :'(

All these pictures were taken by my sister and my dad.
Dad said, "almost all the people who actually went and take picture with the ah kua's are girls, guys don't dare to go"
Damn bad rite.
They were just girls trapped in a guy's body.
Now that they're a woman (and a very pretty one too), they should be accepted for who they are! Sometimes they're just born like that, it's not their fault they're born that way, and I don't think it's rightful for anyone to judge them in such a way.

Another very pretty ah kua, she danced the korean tradisional dance I think.

By the way, there were guys in the show as well. Not sure if they are gays.
This guy was the best looking one. But I've also heard that most guys who are too perfect looking are GAYS. So is this guy a gay?
That's something we'll never know. =/
After the Simon Cabaret, we stopped by Patong.
It was something like KL + Bangsar + Hartamas + Petaling Street all in one.
They had anything and everything all in one long long long road. haha.

And they actually had this sign!
IN CASE of tsunami. Scary.

We ate at McD's because we wanted more time to walk around the area. :)

Finally took the tuk tuk home at around 11pm because my second sister was complaining about her dry eyes, blah blah blah. Annoying, she complains about everything.
I felt like smacking her that night because I wasn't done shopping.
That's the end of Day 3!