I ADORE round stuff I don't know why.
And I'm positive I'd have something like this in my room someday!
On Saturday while I was with my famly going around viewing houses, we stopped by a restaraunt/spa place in Kota Kemuning for lunch.
Was SOOO drawn to the CHAIR!
Btw, it was hanging on a chain so it actually sways around.
Niceee.. (nostalgia of baby days)

Picture with chair without flash. X)
So anyway, I never knew that viewing houses could be so entertaining.
Scenario 1:Wahh!!! This house is kinda big! (from the outside)
(opens door)
2 very visible...BIG patches of dirt/mud in the living room.
Agent : oh it's the indoor garden!
Dad : ....where's the sun?
(looks up) -> only walls and ceiling
Theng (being optimistic) : At least Jolly can shit inside! :D
Ying :.....yea..................... -.-
Dad in car(while driving) : looks like kubur/family burial ground ...
[Canal Gardens]
Scenario 2:Mom: It's a 2 and 1/2 story house! Should be quite big!
(everyone in the family being happy. *yay yay yay*)
Agent opens front door.
Whole family : .............................................................................................
Dad (breaks the silence) : oh you can hang your clothes here?
Ying : where's the living room?
Me : Open the door and there's a ground of cement and pipes....er..
Dad : Only this house is like this?
Agent : no, all the houses are like this
Family : ................................................................................................................
(climbs endless amount of stairs to reach the master bed room)
Mom: ffuuu fuuu fuuu
Ying : fuuu fuu fuuuu
Me/Dad/Theng (standing majestically on the highest floor waiting for the slowpokes)
Mom : (out of breath) SO SMALL??? the MASTER BED ROOM??
Agent : no la...quite big what..
Scenario 3:Drives far...far......deeeeeeeppppp into Kemuning..
Reached a place unknown to us..
Seems quite big from the outside but at the opposite there was a Jungle. Literally.
Agent stopped in front of a house.
Family : ?????????????? This house?! There's people inside!
Agent : (smiles broadly) hi! this is actually my friend's house, they're still living here but would
like to move out soon
Me : oh.....
(we felt like we were invading someone's house)
Inside the house -> (mom was teaching her child how to use some stuff on the com)
Upstairs...I saw a hospital bed. To receive a confirmation..I..
Me : *pokes sister* eh, what's that
Ying : er...hospital BED??!
Scenario 4:(Drives into a gated community terrace/semi-d houses)
The entrance was majestic, large semi-d's with roman pillars and fully extended houses were everywhere.
Me and sisters: wah, this place is quite promising!!
(continues looking on the right side)
(Agent parks the car and walks towards the left)
Family : (Turns head to the left in slow-mo)
Family : er...........................................................
Imagine this : really small terrace house on the left and LARGE semi-D's on the right.
Another speechless scenario.
Dad : wahh..people who actually live here kinda pitiful. Everyday they walk out of their house and wonder why aren't they on the other side.
Me : yeah..the grass is obviously greener on the other side =/
Scenario 5:Some agent told us there's a house with 6 rooms and 8 toilets are USJ 18
All of us wondered the same thing : Why would anyone need so many toilets in a house???
So anyway we entered this house..and there was a strange feeling to it..
The house on the left has creepers growing all over the house..the paint was wearing off..and its covered by plants. (It's an empty house)
We walked in the 8-toilet house and went upstairs to see the rooms..
It was small...and there was a room with a tinge of blue...
all the rooms kinda blocked the sunlight from coming in..
There was a unity of "no" between me and my sisters.
Before we knew it, my dad was already outside sitting in the car.
While driving, my dad said "I feel a spirit lingering in the house...felt like someone died there" (wooo....)
Mom : (getting goosebumps) Aiyo! why never tell me earlier! Sumore I went and pee in the toilet!!!
-And the hunt for the dream house continues-
Would probably take years, knowing my parents and their fussy-ness. haha.
P.S.: Aside from all those weirdo houses, there were of course nice/promising ones as well. We liked the lakeside/lake edge houses but would have to survey around for more, just in case there are better ones. ;)