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Tuesday, November 20, 20126:15 PM
I've not logged in my blogger account for ages and when I finally did try to log in, I'm astounded by how much it has changed. Feels alien.
Anyway, just wanted to say that I've moved on from blogger and would probably not update it anymore... unless I find the need to (one of those rare occasion where I feel like pouring my heart out). As like everyone else, I've finally succumbed to creating an instagram (sigh, technology these days, how do we really keep up? *spoken like a true aunty). Here's my instagram account. :) http://instagram.com/reginaspeaks/ Much love, Regina |
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Monday, April 16, 20128:51 PM
Farewell L'OrealIt was my last day at L'Oreal Malaysia on 13th April 2012. As always, I would keep an account on these significant moments in my life.This is what I wrote as my farewell email to the company. Every word comes from my heart : -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- On November 2009, nervous and excited, I sat at the lounge of L’Oreal Malaysia. Under the gleaming lights which reminded me of the runway and the metallic logo which meant so much in the beauty industry, I silently prayed for an opportunity. Resume in hand, I honestly wondered if this big company would take me under its wing and teach me how to fly. Going through rounds after rounds of interviews, I was finally told to wait patiently. I would be notified if I made it. The days seemed so long but when I finally got that call, it seemed like a whole new world has been opened up to me instantly. Joining with me were the marvelous MT’s of 2009 (From Left : Julian Tan, Me, Ashley Liew, David Hwi, Liane Ng, Michelle Ooi). I will always remember the lunches, the talks, the ups and the downs we all shared together… : The first annual convention I attended was Moulin Rouge at Genting Highlands. “So this is how L’Orealians party”, I thought. It was pretty amazing. Not only do L’Oreal People work hard, they know how to have the most fun too. I remember seeing the videos by divisions. It made me excited to be part of a division although I was not appointed one yet. There was so much drive, so much motivation, so much dedication to achieve something for the year. During my attachment in the CPD division, I have experienced how much it takes to get things done. Being pushed to the edge wasn’t necessarily a bad thing, it gives us the courage to do something which we’ve never done before. Vibrant, fast paced and full of life, CPD has been my home right from the beginning. I am forever thankful for everything that has happened. The Good and the Bad. J I’ve had the chance to work with one of the best team in merchandising who were so closely knitted we were like a family (From Left : Chellene Ng, Yew Hoon, Henry Ting, Steve Tham, Me, Hui Ping). I will always remember how we pulled through those tough times together and how we made our seemingly mundane jobs fun: I’ve made some of the best of friends. I will always remember the laughters and moments we shared : I’ve learned from the Best Zone people in merchandising! Merchandising workshops were always so fun because of all of you :) “In my life, I’ve lived, I’ve loved, I’ve lost, I’ve missed, I’ve hurt, I’ve trusted, I’ve made mistakes, but most of all, I’ve LEARNED.” I just want to thank each and everyone of you who’ve been there in my journey with L’Oreal Malaysia. You’ve truly made a difference in my life. Although it saddens me deeply to say goodbye today. I sincerely hope that our paths will cross again someday soon. I guess sometimes there are things in life that aren’t meant to stay. Sometimes change may not be what we want…change is what we need. Do keep in touch with me via Facebook: or email: [Not revealed here] Finally...please remember to: L’Oreal will always have a place in my heart.. Much Love, Regina Ong :) |
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It's like a Diary.
Tuesday, October 11, 201112:53 AM
I just realised how much I missed blogging.
It's so old school but I think it's one of the best ways to record our memories down... I smiled, and teared as I journeyed through memory lane through the archives of my own words. Some memories I've forgotten, some renewed. From January 2011 - October 2011 (currently 11th oct) a lot of things have happened. Here are some of the highlights : 1. I'm no longer a management trainee. 2. I dye-d my hair blond for the first time. It was during the first quarter of this year. Then I changed to red, and currently it's just a mash up of Garnier's light brown and my red base. Lol. 3. Celebrated my 2 years anniversary with Chan Heng! 4. Steve Jobs Passed away. R.I.P. =( 5. I got robbed. To be specific, my bag got snatched at the immigration. Plans to Bali failed. May they burn in hell. 6. The usual hanging outs, going around, etc. 7. Work occupies about 60% of my life I think. Sigh, IF only I had been dedicated to recording my life more often. Now I can't recall as much. All I know is, a lot has happened and it frustrates me because I can't find the words to say! Crap. =( I SHALL be more dedicated. |
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It's all about your belief system
Monday, October 10, 20111:12 AM
When people ask me...
"When's your ideal age to get married?" I'd always reply "Probably around 27-28? I'm guessing that's when I'd have more stability" And the answer I'd get from most people would be "oh! that's SO YOUNG. I prefer to emphasize on my career progression, money, house, etc etc". Okay, so maybe it's too young for some people but it certainly isn't for me. If you have your own goal in life to gain all your material things before you want to settle down, good for you. I've got nothing against that. Just don't critise me because I want to get married at the age I see fit? Maybe most of you don't know this about me: 1. Family and relationships with people I love are the most important to me. I could, in one way, sacrifice anything for the people I love truly. I am not the kind of person who would make superficial friends and try to impress people to like me or make me part of their clique. If they're ok with me, great. If I'm not their cup of tea, buzz off. 2. I can live without a large group of friends, but I cannot live without my family, the one I love and my TRUE friends. Which, by the way, can be counted within 10 fingers. Ok, maybe slightly more than 10. But still, it's not a lot. 3. I love children. Yes, I can forsee that it would be alot of pain and possibly there's a risk where the child could hang out with the wrong crowd and turn bad, but hey, that's a risk you gotta take if you wanna have children. I'd say that I would just try my best. 4. I have always been a family girl. Ever since I was born and it isn't gonna change because I don't get influenced easily. People come up to me and say "hey! I thought you would be a party-goer/clubber now since you were such a good girl in highschool" but the truth is, I am still the same and I hold on to my principles strongly and will not sway for anything. 5. I'm not a feminist. I still believe that sometimes, some things are best done by men. There must be a reason why God created men and women. I prefer to be the silent guidance at the background, to guide the man the way he should go, but leave him a choice to take his own path as well. 6. I believe that material things will never give me true happiness. Of course, I want to improve in life as I age, but it is not my main motivator. I know that no matter how much I have, I will never be truly happy unless I learn how to be contented with what I have yet still have the drive to succeed not by material things, but by doing something I am passionate about. In fact, I've tried this theory many times. I used to aim for something, work for it, but when I got it, all I wanted was another thing. The cycle goes on, there's no fulfillment. 7. I don't care about contradictory opinions unless it really makes sense. Like I said, my principles are not easily swayed. **I just realised how much I miss writing my heart out. It eases my mind a little. |
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Saturday, January 8, 201110:22 AM
I have not blogged for so long I actually forgot my username and password. lol.
First of all HAPPY NEW YEAR! (to myself, since I think now there are no longer any readers who actually read this) =P What can I say? 2010 has been a bit of a whirlwind for me and I felt as though I've become so much more matured in such a short time. I remember..the first day I stepped into the office for my REAL job. I didn't know what to expect. I was so new, so insignificant, so naive. I believed anyone and anything. But slowly I realised that there's more than meets the eye. Simply put, I've learned pretty well the game of the workplace and I'm adapting. However, I've not changed myself entirely. Just that, There's an office Regina and a home Regina. Obviously I like the home Regina better. She's carefree. :) OH! And I also learned to not give a damn about useless opinions because they are not needed and not heard. I've heard tons of opinions but I've filtered it to 2 types (also took time to learn because in the past I took every opinion seriously which only hurt myself): 1. To be heard and to improve 2. To be forgotten - These are those opinions which comes from people who are trying to bring you down when you're doing well aka Selfish bitches. Basically, alot of people say alot of stupid things to me all the time. I have no idea why. Loate judgemental people. I'm just sooo happy that 2011 is a whole new year and I'm an even stronger person than before. Perceptions are changing/will change to be better too! No matter what people say or do, NOTHING is going to bring me down or weaken my spirits. :) Just a little update: I've graduated from my Management Trainee and am now the Merchandising Executive. People always get confused when I say "Merchandising Executive". "What do you do?" Basically, what I do..is to be creative. I help to design things for Loreal Paris Cosmetics.. eg: The counter, tester bar, point of sale materials. I'm also incharge of upkeeping ALL those things! Pretty high workload I must say. But I'm loving my job more than ever before. Being creative and to make things beautiful is something that I really love to do. :) I hope I'll have time to blog more this year! (highlighy doubt so though. lol) 'Till then :) |
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Saturday, October 2, 201012:19 PM
BB transformation! After being persuaded by Annie, I decided to have a makeover for my boring old BB. Have always wanted to change the cover but I never knew WHERE. Previously, it seemed like such a hassle that I gave up looking for it. But then again, I guess I'm fated to have a unique BB *ahem*. =Pp Yesterday I met up with Eric Soong, the BB cover changer dude. When he OPENED my phone and practically dug out everything, my heart nearly fell. All the while I was looking at it; praying that it would be able to turn on when he put it back together. It was as though I was watching my own baby going through a major surgery *wipes beads of sweat off forehead* This is my BB's "bones". I have the perfect excuse for the eyebags. w-o-r-k. Hah! When everything was done I breathed a sigh of relief as he tested all the buttons. Everything worked perfectly. Throughout the whole night I couldn't take my eyes off my phone and my BF claimed that I was cheating on him with my BB. -__- [Before-After] Ugly black common BB. Awesome black and yellow. It's Bumblebee (Transformers) inspired :) Yeah I know it's manly but I love it! Love love love YELLOW and BLACK :) Btw, if you wanna change your bb cover too, here's where you should go! =) |
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Tuesday, September 21, 201010:14 PM
I almost forgot my blog password.
That signifies how long I've not logged in here to update anything. =/ Wanted to update something but I lost all inspiration. Shall try again tomorrow. Maybe. |
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Monday, July 12, 20104:25 PM
MASHED UP ENTRY : Completely 112307130401 things in 1 post *laughs* It's been more than a month since my last entry! Where did the time go?? Tsk tsk. There was father's day, my father's birthday, my darling's birthday.....and etc..can't really recall of it at the moment. Went to Malacca, Genting..yadda yadda. I'm fully appreciating the weekends now and the time I'm able to spend with my loved ones because it's very little. Work takes up about half (or maybe more) of my time these days. Me giving a kiss to him on his birthday =) Oh, and I went to Club Med for the first time! After all the years....of just "talking" about going there. L'Oreal CPD had their team building there and I was given an opportunity to join. I know it isn't a very good picture...but..ah, sadly it's the best I've got. Haven't been taking alot of pictures lately because I don't think I look good in pictures. I'm getting old...............................sigh. Anyway, I think Club Med is o-kay...expectations was set higher for the rooms because of the price. But I think if you go there, you're basically paying for the facilities and the "sports stuff" you can do. Was a good experience nonetheless... other than that..one experience. urgh. Just take my advice and be careful of some of the male GO's (Gentle Officers) there. Also, I would like to announce that my bf is just the sweetest in the world. Last week when he came over to my office to pass some stuff, he left a note on my car when he left. The note he wrote says this: ---------------------------------------------- To: The owner of tis car =P Take care and be safe on your trip tomorrow ok dear, will be waiting for you to come back ok =) I'll be missing you =( I love you soooooooooooo very much my dear. p.s.: Must miss me when you're there ar dear haha Your one and only one darling =) (My heart went all mushy and in-love after reading that despite being angry over something earlier! =P) ---------------------------------------------- If you notice, there's another set of writings in black. This it what it says: Dear Owner of this car. Your Bf is so sweet. We park next to you & had to read this and add to it. We love you too. Manco & Mikey I love the sweet random stuff he does.. I love you darling..you're like a ray of sunshine in my life =) Another thing, I just want to say that my family's the best. They've always stood by me regardless of the situation I'm in and they are my pillar of strength! I love you! My dad is really sweet too. He wrote me a bible verse to place in my purse..for me to read when I need some words of encouragement. To my dearest Regina, God's words never fail! Philipians 4:6&7 Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. Love, daddy 9.7.10. Awww =) I'm so happy I'm surrounded with love. It gives me the courage to go through any hurdles in life. =) *hugs for all!!* Hopefully it won't be another month 'till the next post again. This month, I'll be travelling around Malaysia with Maybelline's spokesperson for her appearances.. ;) |
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Wednesday, June 9, 201011:07 PM
Haven't updated for the longest time because I didn't have the time at all.
Everytime I get home from work, I'm resting because I don't even want to look at the com. I really miss a lot of things. I miss blogging. I miss hanging out. I miss shopping on the weekdays. I miss randomly planning to go somewhere and just doing it. I miss real friends. I miss....my life. |
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